Head of Engineering at Nora Music, a music streaming platform that focuses on providing a platform for musicians.
Full-Stack Software Engineer focused on integrating small businesses into Youdle's product search via Shopify.
Software Engineer for USC's flagship hackathon developing tools to ensure smooth event operations and quality user experiences.
Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) under Dr. Deepak Venugopal focusing on fairness in machine-learning model feature selection.
Implemented a code automation and deployment tool that saves ~1000 hours per year.
Viterbi School of Engineering
College of Arts and Sciences
Convolutional Neural Network that determines if art was AI generated with a 91% testing accuracy. Compares AI-generated art from Midjourney and human-created art from the Wiki-Art database.
Web app that creates genre-based sub-playlists from a user’s playlists or liked songs using the Spotify API. Built using Django on the backend and hosted on an AWS EC2 instance.